An Overview of Our Self-Help Group App Pilot
GeneralAdminCode Innovation, education, ICT4D, innovations, m-learning, mobile apps, Self-Help Group, Self-Help Group app, SHG app, technology for development, technology for education
Why the Self-Help Group Model is Ready for Mobile
ICT4Education, mobile apps, tech4dev, Technology for EducationAdminCode Innovation, education, ICT4D, innovations, m-learning, mobile apps, Self-Help Group, Self-Help Group app, SHG app, technology for education
Our HuffPo article on Technology for Development: Shifting the Status Quo in Africa
ICT4Education, In the media, tech4dev, Technology for EducationAdminAfrica, business, education, financial literacy, ICT4D, microcredit, Self-Help Group, Self-Help Group app, SHG app, technology for development